Monday, 4 November 2013

Preliminary Task evaluation

To begin, our preliminary task was an exercise to help us become familiar with camera angles, camera techniques, editing techniques and film preparation as well as allowing us to familiarize ourselves with media equipment. This was successful in the fact we included every camera angle needed. This included a match-on-action shot, a shot reverse shot, an over the shoulder shot, as well as taking into consideration the 180 degree rule. This was beneficial because it allowed us to be educated on these technique for further tasks, such as our upcoming main task of producing the opening for a film. The negative aspects of this piece was the narrative of the piece. Albeit simple, and to the point, it lacked creativity, and could confuse the viewer. Although it was not the main focal point of the exercise, it would have increased educational purpose if we chose a more elaborate narrative, as it would have allowed us to experiment with each camera technique in several different ways.
What i would do differently next time
If i were to re-do this exercise, i would think of a more elaborate narrative piece. This is because it would have allowed me and my group to experience a variety of methods and techniques within the shot reverse shot, the match-on-action shot, the over the shoulder shot and the 180 degree rule.

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