Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Analysis of 'Adulthood' opening

In this film opening, diegetic sound is predominantly used to promote the idea of the teenage party lifestyle. Urban grime music is being played loudly, which encourages the youths to dance. The dialogue of the film is extremely colloquial. The uses of the words 'blud', 'blad', 'yout' (referring to youth) as well as many other slang/cursive words. The characters use excessive curse words throughout the opening, connoting their lack of manners and general kindness.
When discussing robbing the man in the car, one of the characters if left out of the deed. This then fuels him to say, 'What? Nah man, am I a dick head? Why am I waiting here for?' This distinguishes the idea that the stereotypical youth wants  to rob people, and feel left out and down if they are not part of the robbing.
The gentleman in the car's accent is contrasted by the abundance of slang and different accents used by the youths. The driver's accent is posh, and high class, compared to the youths who's accent's resemble distant Jamaican, with strong  stereotypical London accents.

The narrative of this opening gives a very simple idea of what the rest of the film will be about. Although it does not give away any idea to the plot, it contains some of the main characters, as well as a taster of what will feature in the following film. The opening starts off as a somewhat chilled out atmosphere. The youths are dancing to music, and enjoying themselves. However when a posh gentleman comes into their territory and stares at them, the youths become hostile and decide to rob him. This opening is successful because it has a certainty of action and excitement, expressed in the terms of violence and crime.
Audience The predominant audiences that are being targeted in this piece are youths - similar to the main characters that commit the robbery in the clip. The age of these youths will most likely be teens and young adults that can relate to the characters, which is probably 16-25. It will mainly be targeted at males, due to the abundance of males in this text, as well as the violent nature of the goings-on in the piece.

The location of this clip is being represented as an urban party scene underneath a motorway in London. It is shown as an 'underground' party scene, which has negative lights as it is portrayed as potentially illegal. The characters in this piece, no heroes are portrayed. Contrarily, several villains are shown, as they rob an innocent man for hit wallet and watch. They then shoot the civilian, and run away. Women are represented in this clip as objects. This is because one woman (who's face is not shown) is dancing, and a close up of her underwear and crotch is shown. Similarly, a woman is seen walking to her boyfriend, who says nothing and is at a lower position than the male, connoting lack of dominance and insignificance.

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