Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Analysis of Quantum of Solace opening

The genre of this film is action/thriller. This is because within the first few seconds, we hear loud cars and gunshots. These are stereotypical conventions of this genre, as they connote intensity, as well as imminent death. Furthermore, the location of the scene is in a tunnel, in which civilians are also driving. This is a popular occurrence within this genre, whereby the main characters as well as the antagonists must maneuver their way around these individuals in order to make the film more dangerous and interesting. 

The fast paced editing within this opening is highly representing the idea of intensity and panic. This is because of the car chase and gunshots. Firstly, the cars are travelling at high speed and conducting elaborate maneuvers whilst driving. This in itself is a reason for the sense of panic. Secondly, there are many gunshots being fired in this piece. This also enforces the idea of intensity, fear and panic - all of which highly giving the audience a mutual feeling of adrenaline. The transitions are very fast. There are no cross-fades, fades or dissolves. This is because the idea is to send across a portrayal of speed within this opening to the consumers of the text.

The narrative of this piece, from watching the opening, is an antagonist that drives an Aston Martin is under attack from protagonists with large guns and other weapons. We as an audience can see this because we see him in front of the protagonists in the car chase, suggesting that he is trying to escape from trouble. He is also not wielding a weapon in this piece, suggesting that he does not mean any harm to the other characters in the opening. 

The setting of this piece is evidently in a foreign country. This is because the car chase is filmed in a tunnel in the mountains. We also see a police officer speaking a foreign language. This is effective because it contrasts the main character, as well as his car, from the country itself, due to their British origins. It gives him a sense of loneliness, and portrays the idea that he should not be there. However, it could also be seen as the character being powerful and wise, which is why he is driving through mountains so successfully, despite him not being from that country.

During the first couple of minutes of this opening, there are no titles whatsoever. This is most likely because the director wants us to focus on what is happening in the film for the time being, rather than the titles and the idea of it being unrealistic by revealing who is behind the scene. This also allows us to believe that this opening scene will be important later in the film, highlighting the focus on it.

Sound is used in this piece effectively. This highlights the amount of gunshots, cars and other aspects of the film are important to the film. These sound effects are diegetic, meaning they can be heard by the character. This is effective because despite the cars being a significant distance away, when the camera is with the main character (James Bond), we still here the gunshots. This suggests that he is in danger, as the gunshots are very close to him. Non-diegetic sound is used in this piece largely to enforce the intensity of the clip. The music is very dark and intense, highlighting the idea of imminent danger.

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