Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Independent research into film openings

The titles in this opening are similar to that of a vast amount of other features. They initially begin with the dominant company, in this case being Apatow Company, and Columbia Pictures. After this, comes the title of the film - Superbad. 
These 3 titles are then followed by the actors involved in the feature film. These actors are seen to play the main characters, which is why they are included into the opening sequence. We then see the other important crew roles, such as costumes designer, music supervisor and director of photography, followed by the producers and directors. We will use this in our piece by listing the most important members of our crew in the opening sequence.

Differences between title timings
For this particular sequence, the main film title, 'Superbad',  has a total screentime of 3.5 seconds. This is to highlight the film title to the audience. This is 1 second longer than that of the crew titles, which lasts for a total of 2.5 seconds. This is similar to other films we have analysed, and we will base our opening upon these findings. 

Font use
The font use in this piece is a simple text, however is in small capitals throughout the duration of the opening sequence. This is to give the idea that the characters within the film, as well as the opening (two main characters seen dancing) are plain themselves. We will bare this in mind with our piece by relating the font style to the personality of our main character, as well as the idea and plot of the film. 

Why may a title not be included in the opening sequence?
The predominant reason as to why the title of a member of the crew, or a company who that assisted in the production of the film, will not be included within the opening sequence is importance. The titles used in the opening sequence of the film are the people who are seen as the most influential people within the completion and success of the feature. It covers the people who are responsible for the key elements - funding, filming, sound, costumes and production supervision. Small roles such as first aider, key grip and caterer will not be included as they are essentially behind the scenes, and are not of interest to the audience. 
We will bare this in mind when making our film by using a similar frame of timing when it comes to titles. We will take in mind the timings of both films, and base it on them as much as possible in order for our opening to gain a more professional look. We will also use this research to decide who will be included within the main titles of our opening sequence, in terms of importance to the film. 

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